Thursday, May 21, 2009


Ted Carlon
5/20/2009 22:15
7lb 1oz 21inches

Checked in on the 19th for monitoring since my BP was a little high (150/100) at the office. They then decided to induce. Had cervidal put in that night and at 6am on 5/20 they started pitocin and broke my water. Took forever to get things moving. I stalled at 4/5cm forever and then shot to 9.

Took epidural because my back was killing me (thanks to bed) between contractions. That was nightmare: multiple attempts to get it in, uneven numbing, over numbing and jackass anesthesiologists. I will still want one for any futue hypothetical babies because once they got me dead legged with normal BP, the last 5-6cm went quickly. The epidural wore off (especially on left side) at around 9cm, so that was interesting. Started pushing a little before 9:30 pm and he was born at 10:15.

First words after he was born was, "Holy Crap" - heh

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