Thursday, October 8, 2009


No picture today. It was our 4 yr wedding anniversary today. We spent it refusing to cook. heh.

It's been rough week with little Ted. He's teething hardcore (if the rubbing of the toys on gums so hard they squeek and DROOL are signs) and has just taken to yelling. All day. We go to put him in the infant chair and he starts arching his back and whining and then yelling. Repeat for playpen, floor, our arms. He seems to slowly be coming out of it. Night sleeping has gotten close to normal (11-12hrs with an occasional 4am snack, sometimes another one.) Naps are another story. Once I can get him on a schedule, we'll work on getting him into the crib.

He's been watching me eat for weeks and the last couple he's been moving his mouth like he's chewing while I eat. Kinda funny except now he's starting to whine when I eat. It may be the aforementioned putting him down, in his chair, playpen, etc so I *can* eat. I've tried a couple solids (dr said whenever and if he didn't seem full enough in evenings) and he's doing ok. Some days he's up for it (but doesn't get to OPEN HIS MOUTH ALL THE WAY- but he does that to ME,too, on occasion) and others he's all "Whatever, go away."

He really has ramped up the babble and the rasberry has made a return. Now with more spit and tongue! It's really funny. I'll try to get the video of it uploaded to share. If you're carrying him, he'll do it and spray the side of your face with spit.

Hopefully, the crankiness will subside soon and I can have the happy babling baby back full time. :)

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